Model tip of the day #16 what to do the night /morning before a photo shoot

Model tip of the day #16 what to do the night /morning before a photo shoot

#1 clean face all night and to shoot and the morning off

#2wash hair the night before but dont use any styling products

#3pack everything you need for the shoot
kinda of get a list in your head of all the stuff you need or wright it down

#4make sure you have your phone charged 

#5make sure you have the address of location and know where your going

#6make sure you have a good phone number of the photographer or client

#7give yourself plenty of time to get there, i try to give a extra 30-45 min
dont walk in 45 min early lol thats bad as well

#8 get plenty of rest, dont go party the night before  

#9 eat a healthy breakfest and take water with you